Sunday, March 24, 2013

Topic: Viral Videos

It is amazing how ONE crazy, funny, strange, random, or meaningless video can instantly be posted online and become viral in minutes. If I recall, Utah State is quite famous for a couple videos that have received national attention.

 “Why Men and Women Cant be friends” which currently has 8,024,857 views.

“The Real Meaning of MPH” which currently has 8,750,393 views.

According to Wikipedia, a “Viral Video” is one that becomes popular through the process of internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites, social media and email.

This got me thinking, what are some of the most viral videos of all time. My research concluded with “PSY-Gangnam Style” with having 1,462,829,810 views. [which has been online for less than a year.] I was completely shocked! A video that exploits woman and shows inappropriate dance moves has become a international sensation. I am shocked as to what our world has become and what we spend our time on. (

This got me thinking, are there any videos out there that have gone viral, but made a difference in someone’s life?
There are some that have over 1 million views – and although compared to the billions of views from the viral videos of all time, these videos are more inspiring, uplifting, moving and touch on your emotions. 

“Amy hears sound for the first time @ 26 years old” – 1, 239, 160 views
About: Takes a few minutes but worth the experience. Our niece has been deaf since she was born. She has never heard the sound of her parents voice or her 6 year old son, Blake. Every day for the next several months she will learn how sound works and where it comes from.

With all that, I am still impressed that so many different videos online have gone viral and that no matter what you do, say or post – someone is going to watch it, and you never know what repercussions will happen because of it. 

For instance, check out this interview that Utah State Aggie Travis Chambers and his wife had with ABCNews regarding his viral video, “The Real Meaning of MPH” and the national public apology he made to his wife. 


  1. I love that you referenced how viral videos are sometimes inspiring and uplifiting, and THAT is how they gain popularity. That was an amazing video about Amy!

  2. I agree with Rachel. In class, we did not talk about inspiring viral videos. There are quite a few examples of videos that have gone viral because they are awe-inspiring. Change of topic... OPEN GANGAM STYLE!
